For those of you who missed new entries, sorry but everything has a reason.
So sorry, but new entries in this blog are impossible at the moment. Due to some failure trying to upload new pictures and writing small tales to them is impossible. When uploading a picture from Picasa to Blogger (both Google products), there appears a message saying: "memcache is null for FormRestoration", what ever that may be. I posted a question to Google's brilliant Einstein clones (and many other people have the same problem, but until now no reply came. This message I cleverly entered by editing my most recent post (hope it works so you're informed), new posts however have to wait till some one in the Google offices gets away from the coffe corner and does what I and those many others need, a perfect connection between two Google products. In the near future I truly hope to enter some new stuff to "Svinisce, the hidden treasure". Till that moment it will be the perfectly hidden treasure. If anybody has a clue how to solve this problem (I tried various tricks already) please mail at my address in the header of this blog. Have a great day, wherever you may live, life is good, and good feelings are worth sharing !!! By the way, we finally moved to Dalmatia, and believe me, the last two/three month we had a hell of a job !
Moving from tulips (and wooden shoes) to olives and the Adriatic takes a bit more action than just packing for a holiday.
All of our belongings were put into a large (and I mean large truck)and after it arrived in Croatia we had to somehow put it all away in our small house, the garden house and even a rented garage.
And still we are trying to get things arranged a bit, to make some sort of "normal" life possible.
Won't bother you with the load of things to arrange, our visa checked over here, everything cleared by the customs people, pay for this and that (and some extra as this still is Croatia) and a lot more.
I even refuse to tell much about the nice weather here, except that day we had to empty the truck and found that rain here means RAIN !!!
Enough to say we had a lot of friendly help, packing in Holland, unloading in Croatia, and lucky us, wetter than wet that day, we dried up already that evening, getting wet inside together with friends, and next day, sitting in the sun again, all that wetness was forgotten.
And slowly our "new" life here gets going, with many great friends around us, and a (n)ever changing view on the mountains all around us.
Even on a lesser day it's a joy to sit outside for a moment and look at the continuously changing panorama of a never changing Mosor Mountain.
We people may change, world economy may change rapidly, even life may change, but life over here, in our hidden valley hardly changes, with core values that come from ages ago and are worth to preserve into the future.
We have the intention to take part in life here, in a small social community, till it's time to say thanks, over and out.
Let's hope that moment is still far away, as we still have a lot to like and love.
I will absolutely keep you informed through this blog in the weeks, months and years to come, not only to give you an inside view on our personal life here, but also to inspire you a bit with what makes life worth living here in Dalmatia.
As this is far more than (just) a great country to have a fantastic holiday, and in case you come on holidays, plan to at least once take a trip into all those small valleys and small places where in my opinion) the REAL feel of Croatia is felt.
Thanks for your patience over the last couple of months, and keep following my little stories.
And anybody wanting to be in touch, feel free to drop me a line at
Till next.