June 19, 2014

sunny dalmatia (also knows rain)

Dalmatia is known for it's perfect sunny weather.
Warm, in mid summer even hot, but hardly ever to hot.

Most of spring, summer and even autumn are blessed with sunny weather, but to keep nature green :-) we know rainy days as well, even in summer.

And for those "less sunny" moments I want to warn you, especially when driving your car or motor.
As during the dry days, the asphalt absorbs all those fumes and residues mechanic machines spit out.

And as they say it "what goes in, must come out"
and it does on rainy moments !
As thán especially the Magistrale, the coastal road from high up in the north  into the very south gets dangerously slippery.
And with dangerously I do mean DANGEROUSLY !!!

In general the entire coastal road is fantastic, with thousands of beautiful views and hundreds of villages and towns to stop for a coffee or a walk.

When however driving Croatia's most scenic road (eat your heart out Route 66), you must know:
1. you're not alone.
2. adjust your speed when entering a village.
3. álways keep distance.
4. pay attention to entering/leaving traffic from "hidden" roads.
5. watch out for speeding motorbikes and scooters.
6. and last but not least:
íf rain threatens to fall after a couple of sunny days, be aware, 
or better wait till it's dry again, 
as thán this fantastic road becomes slippery as hell !

If you ever experienced driving on ice (or mayonnaise :-)
you know what that means.
The oily residue makes the asphalt truly dangerous, and it's not unusual pebbles and even rocks come down from higher parts.
To cars it's already a real threat, to motorbikes a disaster to happen.

So enjoy this magnificent road, but take care,
as you don't want to end in hospital (or worse).

Even though Croatian hospitals offer perfect healthcare :-).