December 28, 2014

it's not as white as usual in December

We did not get a White Christmas, and even today, with heavy snow inland, only Mosor Mountains are white.

Which is a good thing, as looking at it is much better than being in it.
And we know what it feels like to be isolated in a winter wonderland.

These days everybody is talking about climate change.
Warmer or even colder is a matter of how scientists look at it.
I am convinced there ís a change happening,
only I am not sure whát change.

Last summer was pretty wet, after a mild winter.
Result: grapes and olives had a lot of problems from bugs.
Result: very poor crops.
Result: high prices.

Prognosis were warning for dangerous weather conditions,
with heavy snow.
Thank heaven we only had lots of rain last night,
but Mosor Mountains are all white, and no doubt Biokovo will be the same, only with a lót more snow higher up.

Sorry but no actual pictures yet, as my camera is having a problem.
The clever one however can find them on the internet :-)

Now let's hope the climate ís changing,
cause winter is nice, but spring in Dalmatia is gréat.