April 30, 2014

FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!

(Pictured by Barbara/Baky)

Still not the typical Dalmatian spring weather, sunny and warm.
But those clouds we see daily create unique moments.

This sky was pictured two days ago at sundown.
Barbara (alias Baky),
the always active daughter of our best friends/ neighbours snapped it at it's most stunning moment.

So who cares when temperatures are (slightly) below average, 
and the Dalmatian sun (once in a while) hides behind some clouds.
I don't, as long as it gives us moments like this.

Picture taken from Svinisce, looking direction Mosor Mountains.

If interested, see this weather page (in Dutch),
showing the statistics for the next 14 days.

And keep in mind, today's weather is certain,
tomorrow is another day. 
Meteorologists are like fortune tellers,
they make you believe they tell the truth, but only heaven knóws.

Today weather is nice, fairly sunny and no rain coming.
Oh shit, just saw a giant cloud float in.