August 13, 2013

vibra..... WHAT ????

A whát ?

No, this picture has nothing to do with Dalmacija, Omis or Svinisce, or good life under the Adriatic sun.
However, digging deep in Google I found this (slightly) mistaken advertisement from the Loctite people.

Don´t yet ask me what I was looking for, I will let you know in a blog page soon to follow.
I can make the mystery even a bit bigger, telling you I was searching under:

``Beautiful Elix soon to come``.

The original text was in Dutch, in large expensive advertisements in Dutch newspapers in the sixties.
To me (and many others) that campain was brilliant, as it made one wonder what Elix stood for.
For days and days new advertisements showed up,
ever increasing the mystery.

So have fun with this magnificant mistake, and follow this blog for the next couple of days, as than I will reveal the secret.

In the meantime, enjoy Dalmacija, Dalmatia, Dalmatië.