January 01, 2014

HAPPY 2014 from Republika Modris

At 24.00 CET this crazy bunch was seen in Svinisce 
(centre of Republika Modris, centre of the globe).
Anybody having details, names or information, 

please call the police in your local village !
DO NOT, repeat DO NÓT invite them in, 

and hide away all your booze.

What started last year, and was a great success,
 was repeated this year again.
We invited all friends/neighbours in our village to a joined New Year's party, and boy was thát a success again.
Joining in our gardenhouse, nicely decorated still for Christmas, and well heated from the woodstove, one by one came in around 21.30.
Traditionally I prepare some dishes, all others also bring some foodstuff, and with plenty of drinks and Dalmatian music we made it
a great evening/night/morning.

As the party only stopped at 03.30 in the morning, you can imagine today was a typical "John & Joko" day, spent most of the time in bed.
Only to feed stove, cats or ourselves we came out of it.
And besides, the sky was clouded and rain drizzled down, so what else than that to even think of.

Tomorrow is another day, and the bést Dalmatian word was/is/
and will always be:
Perhaps that's the very best advise for this year,
do things the Dalmatian way, do it polako.
You'll reach your goals anyway,
but enjoy só much more achieving them.

And what about celebrating a new year to come ?
Well, can't wait to do the same again at the end of 2014,
but it's better to first enjoy all days to come.
Ali:.....polako !

Sretna Nova Godina.

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